Book a Session $50-$100 sliding scale
Sessions are 45 mins - 1 hr in length which includes a half hour of table work, tea and your choice of:
* Take home a small piece of art as well.
Please reach out by e-mail at: if you'd like to book a session. Please also state which pkg you'd like (1, 2 or 3).
My Understanding of Energy- Work
I am currently offering sessions at a lower rate than most because I believe it takes time to cultivate skill and because I'm in a process of refining my delivery while I work at decolonizing my practice and developing an offering rooted in my own ancestry.
As a Pagan with Irish, Acadian, British & Scandinavian blood, I source my energetic knowledge base from the Druid belief that we can access universal life force energy both from the ground we walk upon and the Otherworld (the Celtic realm of the dead and deities) much like a tree can access the nutrients it needs through its root system, extending deep into the Earth and through its branches, reaching up to the sun and sky. We are not that different as energetic beings or as physical beings for that matter.
We are inextricably linked and profoundly dependent upon our tree kin, to eat, to breathe, to heal, to exist here on this beautiful planet together in general. We are allies, always have been and always will be. My ancestors knew this intimately in ways I'm only beginning to understand now. I'm realizing it's a foundational relationship I want to inspire rekindling in my practice as well as encouraging others to rediscover and connect with their own practices, ancestors and lineages.
The ways of our own people carry on in us, whether we are aware of it or not. Incorporating working with the tree Ogham (pronounced Ow-uhm), with runes and Pagan deities into my practice has felt deeply aligned, healing, intuitive and of course is central to Celtic/Pagan spirituality.
As an energy-work practitioner and also an imperfect human, I'm here to both share what I have learned, the skills I have honed over the years and to support you in further discovering your own innate ability to access the same universal life force energy in your own way. I am also here to learn and grow in my practice from working with you as I believe each person brings a lifetime of wisdom and spiritual support to the table.
In the words of a dear friend who has since passed on to the Otherworld, "Healing is just so much about witnessing and holding. Healing is not about fixing things or taking away pain. It's about being with it, letting the wisdom in the pain soften us to it"
~ Amara Bronwyn MacEachern Hollow Bones
I think this is so true. Taking the time to lovingly pay attention to and be with our stuck places (our darkness) enables us to transform these energetic blocks back into light and a sense of vibrancy.
Through participating in energy work whether through a practice of our own, or with a practitioner, we grow our capacity to energetically relate to these tensions in ourselves differently by letting go of our resistance. We create more space to be with them, to learn from them, to evolve & grow, whatever our circumstance. I won't magically heal you in a single session but I can offer you the support you may need on your healing journey as you learn to heal yourself within the web of community, through your connection to Self & Source. Our bodies and our minds are wise given the right conditions. With the support we need, we will heal naturally which is its own special kind of magic.