If you would like to book a birth chart reading with me, please reach out by e-mail at: natmoynagh@gmail.com
In your e-mail please make sure to include the date, month, year, exact time and location of your birth. Feel free to also include any particular focus areas such as career, partnerships, early life, future direction, children etc. and I'll respond within a day or two with my availability.
All readings come with a small canvass painting of your birth chart with your main astrological signs, planetary and house positions recorded on the back.
Birth Chart Reading & Report:
$100 - $200 sliding scale for a birth chart reading.
Read my personal cosmology below for a better understanding.
Synastry Reading & Report:
Require first having purchased a birth chart reading for both individuals.
$100-$200 sliding scale for a synastry report.
A synastry reading may be related to any relationship, whether parent- child, lovers, committed partners, friends, co-workers etc.
Thank you for the opportunity to grow a deeper understanding of Astrology through practicing this divinatory art with you.
Your birth chart is a snap shot of the sky at the precise moment that you were born. It expresses the patterns and inclinations of your ego. As above so below. In other words, the sky in that moment is the macrocosm to the microcosm that is you- your identity, your forming, the plot line of your life, your values and the qualities you exude.
Don't get me wrong though, "you" are not really your birth chart. You are consciousness itself, the witness of your ongoing and ever-evolving experience, the one who ideally doesn’t get too caught up in the material fluctuations or ups and downs of life.
When we use astrology as a lens and a guide through which we navigate the world, we learn to identify more as the one steering our ship, aware of the waves but not as thrown about by them.
Your birth chart merely reflects the particular journey you are on for this lifetime, your soul on the other hand is immortal and cannot be contained in a chart.
If I am doing my job right- in a reading- you will leave feeling that what you know of your own selfhood, what you yearn for and what you value has been reflected back to you confirming and validating your experience here.
Of course, take what resonates and leave the rest behind and don’t forget that you can transcend anything that is found within the bounds of your chart, any hardship, pattern or karmic loop you’ve been stuck in can be overcome. It might not happen right away or even in this life time but with a growing awareness, you can steer your ship in the direction you so choose. Of course there are real barriers we face and systemic injustices that stand in our way, but there is always some part of us, an inner freedom that no outside power can take away.
This divinatory process can be used as a tool to help awaken that part of you that knows the way through the terrain of your own personal journey here.
All the love, light and darkness.
Nat Moynagh